What Lehna has taught Me!


Walking Lehna the other day after a light rain , she sat patiently as I unhooked her lead. She waited knowing what was coming, not fidgeting or trying to hurry the moment, she sat waiting to hear 2 words from me:”LOS SUCH!”
With that she ran as if her life depended on it-she darted here and there-Mommy did not tell her what to look for , but she knew if she found it, what ever it was ,she would bring it back to Mommy!


Watching her run, her being doing what was embedded in her soul, I began to see it – the total freedom of the moment, she did not care what anyone thought, she did not care what she looked like -she just knew this is it ! This is life-this moment now! And as she headed to a huge mud puddle my heart jumped for her-I cheered her on :”Go ahead Lehna do it!” and she did!
She dove head first into the muddy puddle , she rolled in it, soaking her fur and letting mud get up her nose! And as she did this “Mud dance” I felt the urge to  join her-to abandon all that was proper and lose this human restraint. To be a kid again!
Time passed too quickly and as I called her :”Lehna” I saw the love in her eyes, the joy, the exhaustion, the LIFE!


And I realized she loves me , not because of how I look or how I dress or if people would  consider me a trophy or how much money I have or what I could do for her-No, she loves Me-the Soul behind the eyes!!!
You see Dogs do not care about those things, only we “Shallow” humans do !

Sonja Grogan

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