Tag Archives: Summer

What the @#*&! or I might just be too Opinionated to be a Buddhist!!


What would summer be without cooking outside, or watermelon or cold salads or  going barefoot (yes, in the grass but also across the hot asphalt!) or the smell of chlorine from the public pool or the sand in your bathing bottoms from spending a day at the beach or summer concert nights!!!!

Or how you can smell everything when riding your bike!

I love summer, I really do-hell I can find something to like about EVERY season, and yes there are some things I DON’T like about summer!

Like how SWEAT runs down my face and body even when I’m not moving!! How at the end of the day my clothes  are dripping wet!

Or how some guys think it is ok to wear SPEEDOS!  Guys if your not an Olympic swimmer than do us all a favor and don’t do the Speedo thing-pictures like that are hard, if damn near impossible to get out of ones head!!!

Or  how  frigging HOT my motorcycle seat gets when sitting in the sun!  Or having to WAIT at a red light on my mototcycle!

Or when your riding at the end of the day and  NO visor or sunglasses can keep the friggin’ sun out of your eyes!

Or having some NIMROD throw a cigarette out their car window!

Or finding the perfect spot at the evening Concert in the park only to realize that your sitting on the home of Fire Ants!!! OUCH!!

Or how some ladies forget what their feet look like in sandals-girls, that is why  pumice stones were invented!

Or Too much Body hair on women-for all you Bigfoots out there-that is why we have RAZORS and WAX and LASERS and DEPILATORY CREAMS etc. (this goes for some men too!)

Or how some people just should not ever, never, ever, EVER  wear daisy dukes! BBBRRRR!!! And this goes for guys too!! I am sure the Gay community will agree with me on this one! The 70’s are GONE guys, get with the times!

Or a BRAZILIAN WAX, don’t get me wrong I love the look and feel but  the PAIN! For the love of all things sacred-THE PAIN!!!! I’m thankful it only needs to be done once and it lasts all summer long!

Or B.O. !   People!!  if you live in a country with running water and soap,  you should not smell like STEAMED ONIONS!!! ( unless your French, we all KNOW the deal with them! French whore bath-hint-hint!)!!

I hope you all enjoy your summer, just do the rest of us a favor and try to follow “The Rules” !!

