Tag Archives: life

It starts with a slap on the Ass!


well, that is what we were all lead to believe


we don’t even have to think about doing it, it’s automatic  from the moment of our birth until the last moments before leaving this 3 Ring Circus. we all have to do it!  and even though it is automatic the cool thing is that we can learn to control our breathing!

sit still and feel your breath

do you  breathe shallow or does your tummy rise when you inhale?

can you feel the energy from your breath into your finger tips?

Don’t roll your eyes! Give me a chance or maybe a few moments of your time! I promise it won’t hurt!

Sit , lie, stand-it doesn’t matter as long as you feel comfortable. Close your eyes and breathe through your nose fill your lungs deeply, let the air push your tummy out. Slowly exhale through slightly parted lips and then breathe in again. Exhale and breathe in-exhale and breathe in keep going. Just think about your breathing, nothing else!  Slowly, find the pace that is yours.Exhale and breathe in………

Did you feel yourself calming, releasing stress,letting the burdens of life leave you for a moment, being energized by the power of air?

We are all beings of energy and the best way to cleanse and bring our energy back into balance is to learn to breathe- feeding our bodies with oxygen.

Breath is so important and yet we take it for granted, when we take the journey of conscious breathing and practice it we can discover things about ourselves that we never knew were within us.

So did you do it? Were you just still and thinking of only breathing?

You did!  Congratulations, you were Meditating!!


Alles und Nichts! Everything and Nothing!


-life i can do, it is the moments in between that are unbearable!

-giving up i can’t even do right!

-we wait for life and awake the moment death calls on us!

-regardless of how shitty we feel, life won’t stop to pick us up!

-eat, love, live every moment in mindfulness, taste and savor the richness of this gift!

-what we give, we receive multiplied, but only if given without thoughts of self!

-each life deserves our attention and love!

-when you cry-cry hard and clean your soul!

-i pray that when i see you i see myself!

-never think you have nothing to give, love is the priceless gift!



The fog lifts and you find that you are no longer the same!
When time stands still and you see yourself from a far –  instinctively knowing that you need to approach yourself slowly!
Being conscience of what your feeling-allowing yourself to stand back and observe!
Choosing to experience this rebirth with all of your senses-making the joining of mind body and spirit gentle!
Discarding those feelings and beliefs that led you to this point in time-trying on the new-feeling how it agrees so much better with you!
Realizing that all that is required of you is-living!
That is awakening!

What Lehna has taught Me!


Walking Lehna the other day after a light rain , she sat patiently as I unhooked her lead. She waited knowing what was coming, not fidgeting or trying to hurry the moment, she sat waiting to hear 2 words from me:”LOS SUCH!”
With that she ran as if her life depended on it-she darted here and there-Mommy did not tell her what to look for , but she knew if she found it, what ever it was ,she would bring it back to Mommy!


Watching her run, her being doing what was embedded in her soul, I began to see it – the total freedom of the moment, she did not care what anyone thought, she did not care what she looked like -she just knew this is it ! This is life-this moment now! And as she headed to a huge mud puddle my heart jumped for her-I cheered her on :”Go ahead Lehna do it!” and she did!
She dove head first into the muddy puddle , she rolled in it, soaking her fur and letting mud get up her nose! And as she did this “Mud dance” I felt the urge to  join her-to abandon all that was proper and lose this human restraint. To be a kid again!
Time passed too quickly and as I called her :”Lehna” I saw the love in her eyes, the joy, the exhaustion, the LIFE!


And I realized she loves me , not because of how I look or how I dress or if people would  consider me a trophy or how much money I have or what I could do for her-No, she loves Me-the Soul behind the eyes!!!
You see Dogs do not care about those things, only we “Shallow” humans do !

Sonja Grogan

If this were it!


As I sit here and wait for the aspirin to lessen the symptoms of Angina, my mind  nears the subject of : Could this be it?
Questions swirl around my mind, keeping me from attaining a state of Zen.
Questions of family,
questions of did I Live, Love, Laugh, Cry, Believe, Give, Care, Dream, Play, Create, Rest…….. enough!
Sitting here afraid to take a deep breath , deep inside I know that by my own standards the answer is NO!

I can’t get enough of this gift of life! It’s beautiful, it’s scary, it’s sad, it’s rich, it’s a rollercoaster, it’s full of surprises!
It is what we make and dream it to be! And my dreams have not all been dreamt-I have dreams to fill 5 life times!

So I tell myself, when this episode is over and my fear is gone , than I will list my dreams and as I make them my reality,
I’ll check them off and let the happiness of accomplishment wash over me!

Until then, I sit still and mentally push the stress away and wait for the aspirin to take effect.

Sonja Grogan



I see you everywhere I go,
you are a silent sentry
waiting for me to fully wake!

The images and words,
you placed upon my soul
smoldering gently , burning through the fog
waiting for me to fully wake!

You know the time is near
I feel it in your eyes,
the intensity of your stares
waiting for me to fully wake!

You know my fear,
you see it in my heart,
yet you help not, you are
waiting for me to fully wake!

You’ll not speak to me
until I understand the gift which is given me
So you sit watching and
waiting for me to fully wake!



My bike is named RAVEN!
Because while deciding on a name, a RAVEN almost flew into my windshield! She was so close I could have reached out and touched her beautiful black feathers but what was so amazing is that for a split second our eyes met and I felt as if we knew each other! I felt connected, as if we shared the same eyes!

And now that much time has passed, my dreams are filled with visions I can’t yet translate, daily she comes and checks on me, here or there or were ever I may be-watching me !
She leaves words deep within my soul, words that sit and make me ponder, what meaning to all this misery there is.
Why love burns within my being, yet finds no release-smoldering and scalding my blood, bringing tears when I can no longer bear the absence of feeling upon my skin!
Her wings fan the flames within, she teases me with her wings of freedom, soaring above my sorrow, beckoning me to join her on her flight above the nothingness we call life!

She knows the secret of it all, God placed it in her heart!  She shares with me what she is allowed, never revealing all that she has been given, knowing that I’m to discover it myself!

Yes, Mr. Poe, your Raven spoke only one word-NEVERMORE, but my ebony sister leaves me volumes in images and dreams!
Waiting in the depths of my spirit , waiting for me to speak them aloud, waiting for me to piece together the grand story of My Being!

A Gift – Really?


My “Gift” or burden as I sometimes refer to it-came in handy when I was required to identify dishonest people. But now, it can make me feel uncomfortable.

 Imagine, you can tell when someone is hiding something from you, or telling you a lie, imagine shopping and going about your own business only to look up and see someone stealing!

People trying to hide something is the hardest for me because I just want to shake them and tell them:” It’s me your talking to-you don’t have to embellish or hide anything, I’m not gonna judge you! We all have things we try to hide from the outside world, things that we are ashamed of or things that we believe people will think less of us if they knew them!” We really want to be portrayed in the best possible light, but that can be so exhausting and with time we lose who we really are.

We are all broken in one way or another-we can’t judge someone by what their brokenness is or compare ours to theirs. Everyone’s journey is unique and we should try and help them live a Real life and not place undue burdens or expectations on them.

So what does this all have to do with my “Gift”? Depending on who you are: I might just come out and call you on it, for others I might ask probing questions, and for still others I won’t say a thing. But one thing you can be sure of-I’LL NEVER EMBARRASS YOU OR MISUSE YOUR TRUST!

We should never forget that Light and Dark dwell side by side within all of us!

So, yes I thank God for my gift, but it is not the one I would have chosen given a choice.>100_1359